The Henson Journals

Tue 5 March 1912

Volume 17, Page 396


Tuesday, March 5th, 1912.


~~'A man may carry things so evenly in other matters, that he may be safe by moderation, whatever the event be, carrying if not an equal, yet a sober affection to either; but into the business of Religion we must cast ourselves with resolution, as Peter threw himself into the sea, sink or swim, he meant to come to Christ.'~~

Torshell l.c. p. 42.

Elizabeth Asquith came for her first preparation class – the strangest Confirmation candidate I have ever had.

The Brotherhood dined here, six of us – Inge, Gow, Beeching, Newsome, Pearce, & myself. After dinner we discussed at length Thompson's correspondence with Gore. It is hard to say what it were best to do.