The Henson Journals

Mon 4 March 1912

Volume 17, Page 395


Monday, March 4th, 1912.

~~What else shall we call that pretence of some that they desire preferment, only that they may be more enabled to do good, than plain hypocrisy? For he that doth not much good, to the extent of his power, in the estate wherein he is for the present though mean, doth but pretend he would be better, if he were preferred to an higher condition.~~

Torshell l.c. 23.

Miss Lister took her departure for Rome.

At noon was held in S. Margaret's the funeral service for John Troutbeck. The Abbey choir–boys attended, & greatly improved the singing. The Dean read the Lesson & gave the Benediction. The Precentor sang the versicles & Lord's Prayer. I read the prayers.

Tom Nicholson came to see me about Herbert.

At 3.30 p.m. I attended a meeting of the St John's School Trust to consider the valuation of the school site.

Angel Colenso invaded my study, & was very affectionate.

I had tea with Mrs Asquith.

There were renewed Suffragette outrages in many parts of London.

Issues and controversies: female suffrage