The Henson Journals

Sun 3 March 1912 to Sat 2 March 1912

Volume 17, Pages 393 to 394


2nd Sunday in Lent, March 3rd, 1912.

~~"The reason why hypocrites boast of the works of the first Table, which are adoration & duty towards God, is double, both because such works have a greater pomp & demonstration of holiness, & also, because they do less cross their affections & desires. The Apostle takes this way to convict hypocrites, by sending them from the works of sacrifice to the works of mercy, which are the works of distinction, whereby to find out hypocrites, according to that of the Apostle, Pure Religion & undefiled with God the Father is this; to visit the fatherless & widows in their afflictions."~~

Torshell. l.c. 45.

Westlake celebrated in S. Margt's at 8 a.m. There were 14 cts.

Herbert Nicholson came to shew me letters about his apprenticeship, & to stay the day.

I preached on "Prejudice", & afterwards celebrated the Holy Communion (93 comts). The Abp. of Canterbury, whom I fell in with in Dean's Yard, told me that he had heard 'twas a very interesting sermon'.

Thomas Maltby came for an interview before Confn.


I baptized Norman Ethelbert Box. His mother, both his brothers, & some female relatives attended as witnesses. He answered bravely for himself. On Feb. 20th 1910, I baptized his brother Lionel Walter Box.

There was a large congregation in St Margaret's at 7 p.m. when I preached on "The Law of the Family". After the benediction the 'Story of the Cross' was sung.

Old Mrs Hill died suddenly this morning. She had been ailing for a long time.