The Henson Journals

Sun 17 December 1911 to Mon 18 December 1911

Volume 17, Page 363


3rd Sunday in Advent, December 17th, 1911.

A warm damp day. I celebrated in St Margaret's at 8 a.m. There were 16 comts.

I preached at Mattins in [sic] behalf of the Victoria Clergy Fund. The congregation was by no means large so that I was surprised to find the collection exceed £32.

In the afternoon I preached for Barnett in the Abbey, adapting an old Lenten discourse preached in S. Margaret's 18 months since.

At Evensong, in spite of the rain, there was a fair congregation. I preached on the 'Last Judgment'.

On Monday, the 18th, the Shakespearians – eleven of them – came to dinner. Ernest Bennett was detained by work; & sent a message of excuse. Wilfrid Hill wrote to offer the same plea.