The Henson Journals

Sun 10 December 1911 to Sat 16 December 1911

Volume 17, Pages 361 to 362


2nd Sunday in Advent, December 10th, 1911.

Another 'depression' came up during the night & brought both a rising temperature & a steady rain. There were but 13 communicants in S. Margaret's when I celebrated at 8 a.m. Ella kept indoors on account of a bad cold.

The congregation in St Margaret's was about half its normal size owing to the rain & wind which [were] very violent. The Speaker & Mrs Lowther were in their places: & Miss Markham brought her strange old mother.

Gilbert & Reggie accompanied me in a taxi to the Congregational Chapel at Harringay, where, in spite of the heavy rain, a considerable company had come together to hear a lecture on 'Christianity & Faith–Healing'. I delivered the lecture, and returned immediately to Dean's Yard.

At Evensong the congregation was hardly more than half its ordinary size. The rain fell in torrents. I preached with a view to the Confirmation.

Frank Capon brought Lily Apps, his fiancée, to see me.


On Wednesday, the 13th Dec: 1911, Ella & I joined the Abp. at Victoria, & travelled down to Canterbury, where we stayed as his guests at 'the Old Palace', a pleasant new house ingeniously dovetailed on to divers monastic ruins by Mr Caröe. The Abp. & I had a prolonged conversation on matters ecclesiastical.

The next morning we returned together to London. Reichel arrived after dinner, & stayed till Saturday morning. He is very cheerful, & carries his bereavement with manliness. I set him down to read "Fourteen Years a Jesuit", which interested him vastly.

My confirmation candidates will apparently number about 15 viz. 10 females & 5 males. The latter are a mixed lot.

1. Norman Ethelbert Box. aged 15
2. Leslie Arthur Chandler. " 15
3. Leslie Barclay Henry. " 15
4. George Glen Henderson. " 23
5. William Bernard Clay. " 30

Of these the first only is a parishioner, the second & third are choir–boys, the other two members of the congregation.

On Friday (Dec: 15th) I presided in the Speaker's House at a meeting in aid of Dr Barnado's Homes. The Lord Chancellor spoke, & the Archdeacon.

The Organ Recital on Saturday afternoon was broken off by reason of Goss–Custard's indisposition.