The Henson Journals

Wed 8 November 1911

Volume 17, Page 351


Wednesday, November 8th, 1911.

My Birthday brings me affectionate letters from Mother & Marion, from Linetta, from Mary, from Helen Beeching, & from Bob Bineham. The last was very well–expressed, & pleases me. The boys on my prayer–list are multiplying.

1. Alfred Spelling }
2. Charlie Oman } my Godsons.
3. Gilbert Simpson }
4. Harold Knowling.
5. Herbert Gritten
6. Robert Bineham ob.
7. Ernest Rudling.
8. Cyril Hayward.
9. Reginald Still ob.
10. Lionel Box
11. Colin Kennedy
12. Reggie Woodyear.

I travelled to Chesterfield & addressed a meeting of the 'Civic Guild'. Miss Markham hospitably entertained me at Tapton Manor.

Mr Asquith announces a Manhood Suffrage Bill.