The Henson Journals

Mon 9 October 1911

Volume 17, Page 340


Monday, October 9th, 1911.

The Chapter was fairly harmonious. The Dean formally nominated me to be Sub–warden. We appointed 2 sub–committees

(α) Beeching & I to consider the question of the stables: and

(β) Barnett & I to consider the question of transferring the wax effigies from the Islip chapel to the Norman Undercroft.

I took possession of the Sub–dean's stall at Evensong. The Anthem was helpful. "Thou shalt hear a voice behind thee saying, This is the way. Walk ye in it".

Mitford Mitchell & Raleigh dined with us. They are in their several ways really good men. Milford Mitchell was in the Abbey yesterday afternoon; & seems to have been greatly pleased with my sermon. Thus it is. These old men – Marsden & Mitford Mitchell – approve my preaching, but the younger men find nothing in it. Surely it needs no more to prove that I am obsolete as the Rubrics, & extinct as the Dodo!

I received a very melancholy letter from Dicey, referring to his own decease as a near event, and consulting me about arrangements. Duckworth's sudden death has clearly shocked his contemporaries.