The Henson Journals
Tue 10 October 1911
Volume 17, Page 341
Tuesday, October 10th, 1911.
I married a Canadian couple – Whitehead & Labatt – by Archbishop's special license at 9.30 a.m. in St Margt's.
I wrote a number of letters including one to Dicey in which I set down in a Memorandum what I suppose to be the legal position of the English clergyman in respect to burials; and another to Mr Newland, the Congregationalist Minister at the Claremont Central Mission, suggesting that I should discuss Welsh Disendowment at the Congregational Board!
Beeching & I examined Wilberforce's legal opinion as to the Stables; & agreed that it had no bearing on the point actually at issue, & recommended that the custom as to seniority should be followed.
~~'What heart not possessed with an iron sinew, would not thirst, & long after sound & undissembled sincerity, even as the hart brayeth after the rivers of water, & as the dry ground gapeth for drops of rain? Sith by it alone we purchase, & put on an unconquerable resolution, issuing from an assurance of being in Christ, & from the clearness of a good conscience.'~~