The Henson Journals

Thu 22 June 1911

Volume 17, Page 231


Thursday, June 22nd, 1911.


Today I witnessed for the second time the Coronation of an English King. The great Solemnity was accomplished without accident of any kind. I was much impressed by the sincere & severest demeanour of their Majesties. The presence of their children added a touch of true pathos to the splendid pageant. No one could observe the manly & modest carriage of the young Prince of Wales without auguring well of the future of the British Monarchy. The Dean performed his functions, but with evident difficulty. Lang delivered himself of platitudes very effectively for the five minutes allotted to him. The Archbishop of Canterbury has a monotonous and wearying manner: but he got through without accident. The cheering as the King came down the Church after the ceremony was inadequate. It gave the impression of a certain hesitation as the fitness of such a demonstration within sacred walls.