The Henson Journals

Sun 18 June 1911 to Mon 19 June 1911

Volume 17, Page 230


1st Sunday after Trinity, Hospital Sunday, June 18th, 1911.


A low and falling glass, gusts of wind carrying showers of rain, and an overcast, threatening sky, gave ill promise of the day. I celebrated at 8 a.m. There are 32 cts.

The wind was so strong about 10.30 a.m. that it stripped off the awning above the 'Grand Stand' on the Churchyard, & this as it flapped about began to demolish the frame which had carried it. The police stopped the path through the Churchyard, & sent for the builders.

The Lord Mayor & Sheriffs attended the service in state: also the Abyssinian Envoy with his company came in at the back of the Church. I preached for the Hospitals. After the Benediction a verse of the National Anthem was sung. The Offertory amounted to something over £107.0.0.

At Evensong, the Church was well–filled, but by no means crowded. I preached again for the Hospitals. The Offertory exceeded £28.