The Henson Journals
Sun 11 June 1911
Volume 17, Pages 228 to 229
Trinity Sunday, June 11th, 1911.
~~What a comfort will it be if one can truly avouch it in his conscience to the searcher of hearts; Lord, I acknowledge myself a grievous sinner, yet I appeal to thee, that I have not been active in the destroying of the Foundations of Religion, but opposed it as much as I might: & when I could do no more, was a Mourner in Sion for the same.~~
Thomas Fuller 'Comfort in Calamity' 1654 (Selected Sermons, ii. 270)
A brilliant morning. I celebrated in St. Margts at 8 a.m. There were 25cts. 24 years ago I was ordained at Cuddesdon. My ministry has not come to much.
There was a large congregation at Mattins. The Dean sate in congregation. The Sub–dean was in the sanctuary. Gow read the lessons. I preached on the text: "Let all things be done unto edification", applying the apostle's words to the case of the Athanasian Creed, which we had rehearsed according to the Rubrick.
Lord Chelmsford & his wife & children were in church, & came afterwards to the Chapter Garden.
Clarence Tait came to lunch, a boy of nearly 15, now since his brother's death, the only son of his parents.
At Evensong there was a large congregation. I preached on St John XIV.I.
The collection throughout the day amounted to £29.17.7.
"The Road to Unity" appeared this week, published by Hodder & Stoughton. On Friday, Ernest Rudling came and helped me to pack, stamp, address, & despatch about 130 copies. I sent them to the Bishops, most of the Deans, the members of the Revision Committee; & the leading Sectaries.
Issues and controversies: Athanasian Creed; prayer book revision