The Henson Journals

Tue 30 May 1911

Volume 17, Page 224


Tuesday, May 30th, 1911.

Ella & I attended the breakfast of the Church Service Society, at which I presided & made a speech of 20 minutes. Then we went to S. Giles's, & looked at the Church before going on to the Assembly Hall, where the great debate on Reunion was to begin. I heard the speeches of Norman McLeod, and Patterson, both excellent. Then we came back to 39 Palmerston Place, lunched, took up my baggage, & went on to the Railway Station, where we parted. Lady Frances Balfour was travelling in the same train: we had some speech together, after leaving Carlisle.

The train ran in to Euston exactly to time – 10.45 p. m. I reached home shortly after 11 p.m.: to find the house in confusion, & everything smelling of wet paint.

Issues and controversies: recognition of/reunion with non-episcopal churches