The Henson Journals

Mon 29 May 1911

Volume 17, Page 223


Monday, May 29th, 1911.

Ella & I attended the Moderator's Breakfast in the North British Hotel. Then we bought the Scotsman & the Glasgow Herald, & read them in the Gardens: there is rather a mischievous leader in the Scotsman in which my name comes pretty often.

Then I called on Blackwood & Sons, 45 George Street. The old Mr Blackwood has a very distinguished appearance & was most polite. They are to publish my "Robert Lee" Lecture.

I looked in on the Assembly: & then went off to lunch with Wallace Williamson & Kay – both excellent men: after this I bought the "Times" which has a whole column of my lecture.

Then Ella rejoined me, & we spent an hour in seeing the Advocates' Library under the guidance of Mr Dickson, the Librarian. He has just discovered in the Library a fine Hebrew Bible, said to be of the XIIIth century.

Mine host & I attended the dinner of the Elders Association. In the absence of Lord Balfour of Burleigh, thro' illness, the Master of Polwarth presided. I proposed the toast of the Church of Scotland, which was responded to by Mitford Mitchell. As I walked home I admired the mild beauty of the new moon in a cloudless sky.