The Henson Journals

Sun 28 May 1911

Volume 17, Page 222


Sunday after Ascension Day, May 28th, 1911.


I started the day with a head ache which greatly incommoded me until evening, when it passed away.

At 11 a.m. I preached in Old Grey Friars Church, a hideous structure, & very bad acoustically. There was a large congregation. My text was I. Cor. XII. 31. 'But desire earnestly the greater gifts, & a still more excellent way show I unto you.' The minister, Mr Grant, professed himself a great student of my writings.

At 3 p.m. I delivered the "Robert Lee" Lecture in S. Giles's Cathedral. There was a considerable congregation including many members of the Assembly. Lord Guthrie was there, & Lady Frances Balfour. I spoke for exactly one hour.

At 6.30 p.m. the Iron Church was thronged, many being turned away from the doors. Fleming read the lessons: and Wallace, the minister of the Parish, conducted the service. I preached from Acts IX.1, 2: speaking of Christianity as "The Way" of true human living.

After service Fleming entertained me & some others at supper in the University Club. I had much interesting conversation with Paterson, & the Procurator. Lang's brother, a Presbyterian minister, was one of the Party.