The Henson Journals

Sat 6 May 1911

Volume 17, Page 198


Saturday, May 6th, 1911.

~~This advantage Truth hath: It hath so much of self–evidence, it is so satisfactory to the Reason of an ingenuous mind, that it will prevail, unless there be an Indisposition in the receiver. This I take for the certainest matter of Experience.~~

Whichcote "The glorious Evidence & Power of Divine Truth" v. Cambridge Platonists. p. 3.

I attended the meeting of the Psycho–therapic Committee. Dr Scofield attended, and expounded his views. He evidently has a bee in his bonnet on the subject of psychological training for doctors: but he was sane enough to repudiate with decision the notion that the clergy might put hand to bodily healing.

Issues and controversies: psycho-therapeutic committee