The Henson Journals

Fri 5 May 1911

Volume 17, Page 197


Friday, May 5th, 1911.


~~The style of the Gospel is admirable in a thousand different views; & in this among others, that we meet there with no invectives, on the part of the historians, against Judas, or Pilate, nor against any of the enemies, or the very murderers of their Lord.~~

Pascal. "Thoughts" p. 144.

We finished our business in Convocation by continuing the morning sitting until 2 p.m.

The 'Times' reports a protest by the new Bp. of Winchester against the Bp. of Hereford's action in inviting the Noncons to the Holy Communion at a special service in connection with the Coronation. I wrote a brief letter to the 'Times' explaining that the 'gravamina' slipped thro' the House yesterday by reason of the rule which prohibits any debate of a gravamen.