The Henson Journals

Fri 28 April 1911

Volume 17, Page 190


Friday, April 28th, 1911.


~~We deal with ourselves just as the cheating empiric did with his patient, when he prescribed him this infallible remedy for all diseases, viz. a dose of the grand elixir in the yolk of a phoenix's egg, i.e. referred him to a medicine which was nowhere to be found. Thus we promise ourselves, & compound in our own imaginations a happiness that will arise out of such enjoyments. We prescribe ourselves a task of acquiring those goods, & conclude we shall be cured of all our wants: but alas! this is as mere a chimaera as that I spoke of. We can never make things meet together just as we desire them: they will not conspire & unite in such a fashion as we would have them to please us & give us satisfaction.~~

Patrick. Works. ix. 114

I assisted at Jasper Ridley's wedding to Countess Nathalie Benkendorff, the Russian ambassador's daughter. Both Asquith & Balfour signed the register.