The Henson Journals

Thu 27 April 1911

Volume 17, Page 189


Thursday, April 27th, 1911.


~~Look upon prayer as that which, in the very act of it, brings thee the blessing thou most desirest. For when we beg any heavenly quality, if our minds be intent towards it, that very intention works & frames our soul into that disposition. We become more able to act any virtue, by desiring it earnestly in prayer.~~

Bp. Patrick 'Account of his Life. p. 25.

I assisted in the marriage of Lord O'Hagan.

I dined with the Institution of Mechanical Engineers at the Hotel Cecil; & had much interesting conversation with Surgeon–General Sir Alfred Keogh K.C.B. who is now Rector of the Imperial College of Science & Technology. On my other side was a heavy brute man, the Agent–General for Western Australia, whose views about the aborigenes [sic] of that colony were not in harmony with the Sermon on the Mount! The problem in his eyes appeared to take the relatively simple form, How to exterminate the blacks without a scandal!!