The Henson Journals

Wed 26 April 1911

Volume 17, Page 188


Wednesday, April 26th, 1911.


~~"I am not, nor would be accounted willingly, Arminian, Calvinist, or Lutheran, (names of division) but a Christian. For my faith was never taught by the doctrine of men. I was not baptized into the belief, or assumed by grace into the family of any of these, or of the Pope . I will not pin my belief unto any man's slieve [sic], carry he his head never so high; not unto S. Augustine, or any ancient Father. A Christian am I, & so glory to be; only denominated of Christ Jesus, my Lord & Master, by whom I was never yet so wronged, that I would relinquish willingly that royal title, & exchange it for any of his menial servants."~~

Bp. Mountagu. 'Appello Caesarem' p.10 A.D. 1625.

I assisted at the wedding of Mr Strutt, Lord Belper's son. Then I went to the Leysian Settlement in Grays Inn Rd & made a speech in support of the Methodist Seamen's Mission.