The Henson Journals

Sun 16 April 1911 to Sat 22 April 1911

Volume 17, Pages 183 to 184


Easter Day, April 16th, 1911.

The weather is still fine, but shows signs of declension. Compston celebrated at 7 a.m., when there were 36 comts: I celebrated at 8 a.m. when there were 128 cts: At 11 a.m. there was a large congregation, of whom 231 remained to communicate. Westlake sang the service very well, & I preached from 2. Cor: iv. 17.

At Evensong the Church was crowded. Compston preached an excellent sermon. The 'Te Deum' was sung at the close of the service.

The Sub–Dean, Mr Taylor, Mr Dickson, Ranee Scott, & Gilbert came to supper.


At 7 a.m. 3 6
8 1 2 8
11 2 3 1
3 9 5

Last year the total was 373.

The Offertories during the day exceeded £32.


The " Letters of Business Committee" met on Wednesday the 19th at 2.30 p.m. It sate on Thursday from 10 to 5, and on Friday from 10 to 12.

The Moderator of the C. of Scotland ( Dr McAdam Muir) stayed with me during those days.

Bishop Hall ('The Peacemaker' Works. VI. 628).

~~"There are three ranks of truths: there are some necessary; some, profitable; some, impertinent. The necessary truths are neither many nor obscure: the impertinent are many, & as litigious as useless: only the profitable are worthy of our studious & careful disquisition."~~

I gave a short address in S. Faith's Chapel to the old Choirboys who, to the number of about 30, had come together for their reunion, Saturday, April 22nd.