The Henson Journals

Sun 23 April 1911

Volume 17, Page 185


1st Sunday after Easter, April 23rd, 1911.


"At its best the Church of England has been of the nature of a federal union between groups of believers in a common Christianity, whose diverging opinions in detail are wholly incapable of logical conciliation; at its worst it has attempted to establish the unity of an idea, a theory, or a system, & has denied the right of citizenship to its lawful children, shedding large portions of its population to found those colonies, disdainfully named sects, which constitute a no less genuine part of the religious life of the nation."

( Prof: Dowden. "Puritan & Anglican." p. 77.)

I celebrated at 8 a.m. without any assistant. There were but 12 comts, including Swallow.

I preached at Mattins on 'The Unity of the Church'. The congregation was large but unduly feminine. The Sub–Dean celebrated afterwards.

Mr & Mrs Macpherson came to lunch.

At Evensong the Church was crowded. I preached on the moral obligations of the Christian Profession.