The Henson Journals

Sun 9 April 1911 to Fri 14 April 1911

Volume 17, Pages 181 to 182


Palm Sunday, April 9th, 1911.

A calm, dull morning. Westlake celebrated at 8 a.m. There were 27 cts.

Rain threatened as church–time drew on: and some fell during service. At Mattins there was a fair congregation and a good collection. I preached on Hebrews ii. 10.: and afterwards celebrated. There were but 38 cts.

At Evensong the Church was very full. I read the Exhortation to Holy Communion, and preached a short sermon on I. Cor: XI. 26.

Miss Markham came to supper bringing with her one Hills a member of Palt; also Geordie & an Austrian friend: Linetta, Ranee, & Mary.

The Offertories today exceeded £27.


The weather changed suddenly from wintry cold to summerlike warmth. Holy Week began in January and ended in July.

Buff & Kitty Glünicke were confirmed in St John's on Wednesday the 12th April. I was unable to be present, as I had to be in St Margaret's & give my postponed Address on the R.V.

Two Memorial Services gave an unusual melancholy to the week. On Tuesday, T. R. Buchanan was buried: and on Thursday, Sir Alfred Lyall.

Nickson, who had accepted the Bpk. of Southwark, has announced his withdrawal from the position. Ill health is the reason announced in the press: but other reasons are suggested by gossip. The rhapsodies of self–gratulation in which the Evangelicals have been indulging have thus turned suddenly to disappointment.

Good Friday, April 14th was marked by brilliant weather, & very small congregations. The latter may, perhaps, have been in some measure connected with the Procession from S. Martin's to S. Paul's, which the Bp. of London had announced for the afternoon.

Issues and controversies: Revised Version