The Henson Journals

Sun 25 December 1910

Volume 17, Page 155


Christmas Day, December 25th, 1910.

I celebrated at 8 a.m. There were 91 comts.

At the Choral celebration there was a fairly large congregation, and 177 comts. I preached for 35 minutes on a double text, Exodus III. 7.8 & Titus iii. 4. The collection was given to the Bolton colliery disaster Fund, & amounted to nearly £50. In the afternoon I preached in the Abbey to a large congregation, making an appeal for the same object, for which a collection was made at the doors.

At Evensong we had no sermon but sang carols instead. Also we sang the 'Te Deum' at the close of the service. A collection for the Miners was made, & raised £21. Thus the total collections in S. Margaret's during the day amounted to the respectable total £73.3.3.

Knox & Mary were our only guests at supper.