The Henson Journals

Mon 28 February 1910 to Thu 3 March 1910

Volume 17, Page 54


3rd Sunday in Lent, February 28th, 1910.

This being the first Sunday after the formal opening of Parliament we kept in a special manner, singing the 'Te Deum' at Mattins, & an Anthem of Invocation ("Come, Thou Holy Spirit, come"). I preached a 'political['] sermon from the words, curiously apposite to the present situation, "A Kingdom divided against itself falleth'. Lords Rayleigh & St Aldwyn were in the Speaker's seat, but not the Speaker.

In the afternoon I went to Willesden, and addressed a large assembly of men in the Baptist Chapel. All very unctuous & self–admiring & repulsive!

At Evensong I preached again in St Margaret's to a large congregation on "The Claim of Christ in Business".

On Thursday March 3rd, "Logic" arrived.