The Henson Journals
Sun 26 December 1909 to Thu 30 December 1909
Volume 17, Pages 30 to 32
Sunday after Christmas, December 26th 1909.
A dark, wet, warm morning. In St Margaret's were 11 cts. At Mattins the congregation was largely composed of strangers, presumably visitors to London. I preached again on the "sign" to the Shepherds. The Offertory amounted £10.19.3.
At Evensong there was a moderate congregation: we sang four carols after service. I preached on the constrast between Zechariah and Stephen. The Offertory was nearly £6, which is rather above the average.
Bob Bineham, Gilbert Simpson, Mary & Ranee Scott, and Mr & Mrs Knox came in to supper.
Copies of the American edition of "The Liberty of Prophesying."
- Rashdall
- [symbol] Forsyth
- G. A. Smith
- [symbol] Denny
- [symbol] Forrest
- [symbol] McAdam Muir
- [symbol] Mitford Mitchell
- Butcher
- [symbol] Fleming
- Jowett
- [symbol] Campbell Morgan
On Thursday, Dec: 30th, the Abbey Choirboys came here for their party. Mr & Miss Dams came with them. Mary & Gilbert came to assist.
The close of the year finds me more restless in mind than ever; more perplexed as to my duty; more unready to follow it. The year past has been notable in several respects. Gore's Inhibition, the visit to America, the publication of the Yale Lectures are all occurrences of more than ordinary importance. Admiral Rolfe's death has in some respects weakened my position in Westminster, besides robbing me of a trusty friend.
Lord Algernon Percy called on me to arrange a memorial service in S. Margaret's for Earl Percy, whose sudden death in Paris is announced in the 'Times' this morning.