The Henson Journals

Sat 25 December 1909

Volume 17, Page 29


Christmas Day, December 25th, 1909.

The day broke fairly but almost at once disappointed expectations by a smart down–pour. When we emerged from church after the 8 a.m. celebration, we found pools of water in lieu of the white frost. The fat amiable American General Consul, Mr Griffiths, came to church but, apparently feeling ill, went away before communicating. Harold went round to inquire, & found that he was all right.

At the Choral Eucharist I preached on the words "This is a sign unto you: ye shall find a Babe &c." Compston sang the service very well: Rashdall assisted in the Administration. The Communicants at the successive celebrations were as follows:

At 7 a.m. 34 last year 25
" 8 " 89 " 81
" 11 " 174 " 129
297 235

An increase of no less than 62.

In the afternoon I attended Evensong in the Abbey, and then took Mary for a walk around the Serpentine.