The Henson Journals

Sat 1 January 1910

Volume 17, Page 33


New Year's Day, Saturday, 1910.

I celebrated the Holy Communion in St Margaret's at 8 a.m. There were 14 comts, including Ella. After breakfast I finished my sermon, and then went again to S. Margaret's to officiate at a wedding. After service I walked to the printers to make sure that they had duly put in hand the papers for the Memorial Service. Then more sermonizing until lunch.

In the afternoon I preached in the Abbey on the subject of the Festival.

Then I called on the Archdeacon, who seems very lonely & frail: & wrote to the Archbishop inviting him to take part in the service on Tuesday.

Mr C. G. May, 49 Lincoln's Inn Fields called on me to offer assistance in the Service. He is the Duke's man of law.

Welldon arrived about 6.30p.m. He seems well & in boisterous spirits.