The Henson Journals

Sun 19 December 1909

Volume 17, Pages 27 to 28


4th Sunday in Advent, December 19th, 1909.

Cold and clear, but with a falling glass. There were but 14 comts at 8 a.m.

There was a fairly large congregation at Mattins, and the Offertory amounted to nearly £17. I preached an old sermon from a favourite text: "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee &c" Isa. 26.3, 4.

In the afternoon I preached in St James's, Piccadilly, to a small congregation of men. No doubt the rain kept many away. My text was I. Cor. IX.24–27. I admired the ample vestry with its gallery of 18th century portraits of Rectors, and the Grinling Gibbons Font, a rare example of the Master's workmanship in marble. The more familiar wooden carving is nicely represented in the Reredos.

There was a fair congregation at Evensong, when I preached from the Divine Message to Laodicea, urging the duty of receiving the Holy Communion, & the practical obligations growing thereupon.


On Monday, a dozen copies of my Yale Lectures arrived. They were distributed thus:–

  1. [symbol] Beeching
  2. [symbol] Craik
  3. [symbol] Gow
  4. [symbol] Linetta
  5. [symbol] Pearce
  6. [symbol] Gabrielsson
  7. [symbol] Compston
  8. [symbol] Hine–Haycock
  9. [symbol] Carissima
  10. [symbol] Mary
  11. Raleigh
  12. [symbol] Sub–Dean.

Christmas Presents were sent to the following:–

  1. Custard
  2. Smart
  3. Knox
  4. Compston
  5. Hine–Haycock
  6. Linetta
  7. Mary
  8. Harold
  9. Gilbert Simpson
  10. Bob Bineham
  11. Ernest Bennett
  12. Reggie Still
  13. Leslie Hider
  14. Clarence Stock
  15. Miss Graham