The Henson Journals

Sun 12 December 1909

Volume 17, Page 26


3rd Sunday in Advent, December 12th, 1909.

A raw misty day & very cold. At 8 a.m. but 13 comts. At Mattins I preached on I. Cor IX.13,14, making appeal for the 'Queen Victoria Clergy Fund'. In this sermon I discussed the character of the Christian Ministry, & repudiated very decisively the neo–Tractarian sophistry of a 'representative priesthood'. The congregation was not large, but it was attentive, & fairly liberal. The Offertory amounted to £34.19.0 in cash, & £6 in promises of annual subscriptions. Alfred Lyttelton was in church.

At Evensong the weather had turned to wet, and there was but a moderate congregation. I preached an abbreviated old sermon on "Idolatry". Afterwards six lads came to the Rectory, & gave in their names for Confirmation.

Miss Markham came in to supper.