The Henson Journals

Tue 9 November 1909 to Sat 13 November 1909

Volume 17, Pages 15 to 16


Tuesday, November 9th, 1909.

Brand lunched here, and afterwards had some conversation with me on religious topics.

Canon Wilson wrote to me asking for information as to the origin & meaning of the Rubric at the end of the Confirmation Service. He has an actual case of intolerance in view:–

'Here in Worcester – this is private – a case has arisen of a lady & her son, communicants in the Scottish National Church, being refused permission to communicate in her parish Church, with the deliberate consent of the Bishop, who excludes her from every Church in his diocese. This seems to me monstrous. But they entrench themselves behind the letter.'

I wrote to him giving some reasons for the wider interpretation of the Rubric: and adding some references.

Harry Reichel arrived on one of his business visits to town.


On Wednesday, Nov. 10th, I attended the anniversary meeting of Trinity Presbyterian Church in the Clapham road. Old Lord Strathcona presided, & there was a large attendance. The minister, Mr Smyth Wood, has the reputation of a popular preacher. He hails from Ireland.

On Saturday, Nov. 13th, a presentation of a silver salver with a purse containing £170 was made to the out–going Precentor, Daniell–Bambridge. The Dean presided, & the Canons (save Wilberforce & Barnett) were with him. Bambridge has been 26 years in Westminster, mostly at the Abbey. There is a feeling of change in the air. Who will go next?