The Henson Journals

Sun 12 September 1909 to Sat 18 September 1909

Volume 16, Pages 454 to 455


14th Sunday after Trinity, September 12th, 1909.

A beautiful morning. Kennett preached in the Abbey at 10 a.m. His text was "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?" I was rather disappointed with his sermon, perhaps because as I was not feeling well any sermon would have displeased me. After service we walked in the Chapter garden where we were presently joined by Ella with the Butlers. They had attended service in St Margaret's. Captain Butler and I discussed the Budget.

There was a very large congregation at 3 p.m. when I preached on "The Cleansing of the Temple".

After service I baptized in S. Margaret's the infant daughter of Mr Bridges, a friend of Beeching. Reggie Still acted as my deacon.

The Abbey was again crowded. A Paddington Incumbent named White preached a conventional discourse.

Mary brought her sister in to supper. Addis and Kennett waxed eloquent on Hebrew inflexions!


On Friday we had a dinner party. Prof. Moore from Harvard, Beeching, Sir Henry & Lady Craik, Mr & Mrs Griffiths, Mary, & Harold. We discussed Johnson with much appreciation & some knowledge.

On Saturday morning (Sept. 18th) I baptized Dorothy Susan, the infant daughter of Lord & Lady Montgomerie. In the evening I went to Stamford Hill and addressed a tent full of sectaries, gathered to inaugurate a new branch of the Y.M.C.A. A local congregationalist presided: & the other speaker was a Bull of Bashan named Dr Harry Gratton Guinness.