The Henson Journals

Sun 5 September 1909

Volume 16, Page 453


13th Sunday after Trinity, September 5th, 1909.


Inge preached a brilliant & most excellent sermon in the Abbey at 10 a.m. on "Command that these stones be made bread". It was a courageous plea for the old Christian doctrine that a man's primary duty is to save his own soul.

There were no less than 110 comts.

Harry Davis came to lunch.

There was a very large congregation in the Abbey at 3 p.m. I preached on "The failure of Tradition", taking my text from the 2nd lesson: "making the Word of God void through your tradition". George Russell was in church. He sent me a note to say that he agreed with the sermon!!!. Yet I do grievously suspect that he wrote the scurrilous article in the current issue of the "Church Times".

Mr Rutty, late headmaster of Leatherhead School, preached in the Abbey at 7 p.m. His sermon was crudely orthodox: but he was evidently sincere, & he belonged to a past generation. So I civilly entreated him; gave him supper; & sent him home with pleasant words.

Gilbert Box came to supper: a nice boy. My godson, Harold, Addis, Mary, Inge, & his wife made up our party at supper.