The Henson Journals
Tue 13 April 1909
Volume 160, Page 1
Tuesday, April 13th, 1909.
The dies fatalis of departure arrived at last. Our packing was completed, & we went off to the station in Jim's motor: the luggage going on before with Mother & Marion. At Euston Mary & Signorina arrived to see us off: & the absurd young man Townshend whom I knew as a lad in Ilford ten years ago. Canon Walpole was in the train: he is to be our fellow–traveller as far as New York. We lunched comfortably on the train, & went on to the 'Carmania' under a heavy rain. Here we were at once seized upon by the Dock Chaplain, & the Superintendent from the Cunard Cy. He offered us a change of cabin: so we found ourselves comfortably established in a cabin with private bath–room etc.: & quite respectable space. When we went to prepare for dinner we found several telegrams from well–wishers, including one from Raleigh. A reporter from the Liverpool Daily Post caught me as I was entering my cabin, & started on the Birmingham episode, but I had little to say to him. We sate at the Captain's table during dinner, together with Canon Walpole, & another guest, whose name we knew not. Afterwards we wrote letters, & then retired to bed.