The Henson Journals

Wed 14 April 1909 to Sat 17 April 1909

Volume 160, Page 2


Wednesday, April 14th, 1909.

I developed a bad throat during the night, and though dosed dutifully by my partner with salvolatile and quinine, began the day with some physical dejection. When we came on deck about 8 a.m. we were arriving at Queenstown. It is a magnificent harbour where a whole fleet cd ride in safety. There is a protecting fort, but whether effective or not (since it is in the system of the British War office), who can say? Here a party of teenage passengers came on board and some lace–selling women, from whom that weakly–covetous Eve (my wife) was preserved only by the strong arm.

As we drew out into the ocean the motion of the ship became more perceptible: and by lunch–time I was feeling distinctly uncomfortable. However I came to the captain's table, and endured his well–meant pleasantries. Then I betook me to my cabin, and remained there for some days.