The Henson Journals

Sun 29 November 1908

Volume 16, Page 397


Advent Sunday, November 29th, 1908.

Knox celebrated at 8 a.m: I assisted. There were 26 comts. At 11 a.m. the congregation was but moderate in number: Mrs Lowther & her daughter, Lord & Lady S. Aldwyn, & Sir Henry Graham & Captain Butler were all I could recognise in the members' seats. I preached from the 2nd lesson:– 'Ye were as sheep going astray, but are now returned to the Shepherd & Bishop of your souls.' Afterwards I celebrated the Holy Communion. There were 78 comts.

Ernest Bennett accompanied me to the Leysian Mission, where I addressed the 'Monster Men's Meeting'. There were perhaps 1000 men present, all of the poorer sort of artisan. They listened very nicely to what must have seemed rather a dull disquisition, & were very emphatic in their applause when I had finished.

I preached again in S. Margaret's at Evensong. The congregation was disappointingly small.

Stock & Pritchard, two of the three young men who came to me by night some weeks since, came to supper. The former is a very agreeable young fellow.