The Henson Journals

Thu 26 November 1908

Volume 16, Page 396


Thursday, November 26th, 1908.

I dined with Vesey Knox at 76 Elm Park Gardens. His sister was there, & Mr Balfour Brown with two daughters: also Mr & Mrs Clark Russell, & Mr Craig. I took the elder Miss Balfour Brown down to dinner, & we had an interesting conversation mainly of politics. After dinner I talked with her sister, who was very amiable. She says her father is a candidate (Tariff Reformer) for East Bradford: that he stood unsuccessfully for Dumfriesshire: & that he attends St. Margaret's.

Book bought:–

'A Holy Commonwealth or Political Aphorisms, opening the true Principles of Government: for the Healing of the Mistakes, & resolving the Doubts, that most endanger & trouble England at this time (if yet there may be hope) and directing the Desires of sober Christians that long to see the Kingdoms of this World become the Kingdoms of the Lord & of his Christ.[']

Written by Richard Baxter at the invitation of James Harrington Esquire. 1659