The Henson Journals
Sun 26 July 1908 to Wed 29 July 1908
Volume 16, Pages 344 to 345
6th Sunday after Trinity, July 26th, 1908.
I celebrated at 8 a.m. There were only 18 commts, 4 males, including myself, and 14 females.
At Mattins the congregation seemed mainly made up of strangers. The Bishops of Ripon & Massachusetts were present. I preached on "Christian Citizenship".
The Bishop of Mass: & Mrs Lawrence lunched here. He tells me that Gore is having great effect in the Conference.
The Admiral brought his brother, the British Consul at Naples, to tea. The last is an interesting & intelligent man, who knows the Italians well, & evidently likes them. He lives much at Lord Rosebery's Villa, & is an intimate of that nobleman. He says that Lord R. has a fine collection of English books on Naples in his Villa; that he arranges his books always with his own hands. He says that quails have greatly diminished in number since the British occupation of Egypt.
At Evensong the congregation was small, and restless. Hine–Haycock brought in to supper Dr & Mrs Tilly.
The following books from R. D. Dickinson & Co arrived on the 29th July:–
- Fairbairn's Catholicism, Roman & Anglican.
- Henderson. Latin Proverbs & Quotations.
- Greer. Preaching.
- Boyd–Carpenter. Lectures on Preaching.
- Fish. Pulpit Eloquence.
- Life of Archbishop Tait. 2 vols.
- Memoirs of Archbishop Temple. 2 vols.
'Flicker–tails', nick–name of the people of North Dakota.
'Tar–heels', nick–name of the people of North Carolina.