The Henson Journals

Sun 22 March 1908

Volume 16, Page 298


3rd Sunday in Lent, March 22nd, 1908.

I celebrated at 8 a.m. There were 31 comts.

At Mattins there was a moderate congregation & no Speaker. Among those present I observed: –

Mr Ainsworth M.P. Sir Henry Graham
Col. Lockwood M.P. Captn Butler
Captn Craig M.P. Mr C. S. Parker
Sir Henry Craik M.P. Mr Coomb Tennant
Alfred Lyttelton M.P. Mr McKay
Mr Arnold Foster M.P. Mr Rute

There were other members in the Parly seats but I knew them not. I preached rather drearily the 3rd sermon of the course on 'Discipline'.

Mr Eugene Wason called during the afternoon to arrange for a funeral service for his son–in–law, Mr Crombie M.P. for Aberdeen who died this morning.

I sent Mr Talbot a copy of the volume of sermons. He appeared at Evensong. Happily the sermon was quite orthodox. It was a wet night, but none the less there was a fair congregation.

Mrs Glassford Bell, Mary Scott, Custard, & Gilbert came in to supper.

Issues and controversies: Turner case