The Henson Journals

Sun 23 June 1907 to Fri 28 June 1907

Volume 16, Pages 223 to 225


4th Sunday after Trinity, June 23rd, 1907.

A bright morning. At 8 a.m. there were but 17 communicants. At Mattins the Moderator of the Church of Scotland (Dr J. Mitford Mitchell) attended service in his robes, and was placed by me in the Sanctuary. A collection was made at the doors for the Women's Work–rooms; about £18 was collected. The offertory for Church Expenses exceeded £15. Dr & Mrs Mitford Mitchell came in to lunch. Also Beeching and Mrs Steel–Maitland. Afterwards, I shewed the latter over S. Margaret's; and then walked with Beeching.

In the evening I preached to a fair congregation. Afterwards came in to supper Signorina, Miss Scott, Miss Bankhead, Miss Curtis, George Mackarness & Gilbert Simpson.


A wholly & inexcusably wasted week. On Monday an informal Chapter. On Tuesday dined with the Johnson–Fergusons, & had some talk with Sir H. Fowler, who is greatly 'taken' with the preacher at the Chapel in Buckingham Gate. He tells me that Campbell Morgan was once refused by the Wesleyan Methodists as lacking in preaching power! On Wednesday dined with Uncle Charles, where I met Ronald Rainy; & had some talk with Channing & Buchanan. On Thursday, we attended the function at the British Museum, where the King laid the foundation stone of the new building. Lunched with Mrs Tennant, & was much bothered by her spiritualistic daughter, Mrs Myers. Lady Hills–Johnes told a good story of Dean Stanley. Bishop Thirlwall gave his great Charge in 1842; Stanley, then a don at Univ. Coll., Oxford, wrote to thank him for his observations on the Tractarians: but, with characteristic absent–mindedness, sent his letter, not to Thirlwall, but to Wilberforce; who replied in perplexed & disconcerting fashion. Dined with the Steel–Maitlands, where also were the Baker Wilbrahams.


On Friday, the 28th 1907, I shewed Woolcombe's party of Devonshire farmers over the Abbey between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. Then I essayed to write a sermon but made little progress. In the afternoon, I took Ella to the Zoo.

The papers announce the translation of the Bishop of Sodor & Man to Newcastle – a strangely uninteresting appointment.