The Henson Journals

Sun 16 June 1907

Volume 16, Page 222


3rd Sunday after Trinity, June 16th, 1907.

A bright morning, & a fresh breeze. I was unassisted at the 8 a.m. celebration, as Blackmore celebrated for the Church Lads Brigade at 9 a.m.

There was a large congregation at 11 a.m. Among those present I noted Mr Arnold Forster, Mr Ainsworth, and Sir Hy Craik. The Offertory exceeded £16.

Robert Lang & his daughter were at lunch: also Gilbert & Bob Bineham, with whom afterwards I walked for an hour.

At Evensong the congregation was mainly in petticoats: the young men cannot resist the fine weather. I preached on 1.Sam.3.1.

Custard came in to supper after service.