The Henson Journals

Sun 12 May 1907

Volume 16, Page 202


Sunday after Ascension, May 12th, 1907.

A warm and brilliant day, but the wind in the east. I celebrated at 8 a.m. There were 27 comts, all women save Ramsey and a small, strange boy.

There was a large congregation at 11 a.m. I noticed in the Parlt seats Sir Hy Fowler, Mr Carr Gomm, Sir G. Bartley, Sir H. Graham, Sir J. Dickson–Poynder, & others: but the Offertory was only a little more than £13. I preached from the first Lesson, adding S. Paul's quotation of the text in Rom. X.

Gilbert accompanied me to the Leysian Mission, where I addressed a considerable company of men, mainly unskilled artisans. It argued no slight devotion to the meeting to refuse the summons of the sun–light, and come under cover. On the whole I think this work has a promising, as well as a pleasing aspect.

At Evensong I preached again. There was a smaller congregation than usual: presumably the warm night had lured many church–goers into the Parks.