The Henson Journals

Sun 19 May 1907

Volume 16, Page 203


Whitsunday, May 19th, 1907.

The weather has become unseasonably cold. Knox celebrated at 7 a.m. – 12 cts.: I at 8 a.m. – 47 cts. The numbers small beyond all precedent. At the Choral Celebration there were but 150 cts, making up a total of 209 as against 260 last year.

I preached on the subject of the Festival; taking occasion to discuss the question of Prayerbook Revision, in connection with the formularies of the day – Athn Creed & Proper Preface.

Two new boys – Harry & Sidney Dibben – came into the Choir.

Gilbert & Ernest stayed to lunch, & went with me to the 'Times' Office.

Admiral & Mrs Rolfe came in at tea–time full of their experiences in Morocco. The Times Correspondent (Harris) seems to have circulated a mare's nest in his account of the Rebellion in that country.

There was a fair congregation at Evensong, when I preached on "The Leading of the Holy Ghost". After service, I had an interview in the Vestry with Mr Steel à propos of Master Steel's friendship with an unknown gentleman from the congregation.

Issues and controversies: prayer book revision; Athanasian Creed