The Henson Journals

Sun 5 May 1907

Volume 16, Page 199


Rogation Sunday, May 5th, 1907.

I assisted Knox at 8 a.m. when there were 50 cts.

At Mattins Dr Oliver, the Vicar of Ealing, preached, and collections were made for the Bishop of London's Fund. I celebrated at 12.30 p.m. There were 56 cts, among whom I observed Bishop Barry. In the afternoon I went to Stratford, escorted by Harold, Gilbert, and Ernest, and addressed a large assembly of men in the Conference Hall. The Mayor, & divers of the Corporation attended. I could not resist the temptation to make a reference to the municipal scandals: the Mayor evidently resented my observations! I preached at Evensong in S. Margaret's, when there was a large congregation.