The Henson Journals

Sun 31 March 1907

Volume 16, Pages 196 to 198


Easter Day, March 31st, 1907.

A most glorious day, but most of the faithful keeping the feast at the sea–side, or in the country. Communicants the fewest on record.

at 7 a.m. 39
" 8 " " 123
" 11 " " 149

Just 20 less than last year, & that was a bad year!

Gilbert Simpson & Ernest Bennett came to lunch, and walked with me to the Times Office.

There was a large congregation at Evensong. We sang the Te Deum, after the Benediction.

Knox & his wife & daughter came in to supper.


The Monthly Review was sent to the following:–

  1. The Lady Wimbourne
  2. Bishop Welldon
  3. Dr Guinness Rogers
  4. Austin Taylor M.P.
  5. Sir John Kennaway
  6. Reichel
  7. Rector of Exeter Coll.
  8. Dean of Windsor
  9. Archdeacon Stocks
  10. Chancellor Worlledge
  11. Archdeacon Bevan
  12. Prof. Watson
  13. E.K. Buxton
  14. Marsden
  15. Dean of Peterboro
  16. Dean of Ch. Ch.
  17. Dean of Canterbury
  18. Chancellor Edmonds
  19. Dean of Lincoln
  20. Dean of Winchester
  21. Archdeacon Lindsay
  22. Archdeacon Sandford
  23. Dr Eyre
  24. Canon Nunn
  25. Canon Page–Roberts
  26. Ed. of Yorkshire Post
  27. Ed. of Leeds Mercury
  28. Ed. of Manchester Guardian
  29. Ed. of Tribune
  30. Sir Wm Anson
  31. Dr Warre
  32. Dean of Ripon.


Almighty and all–merciful God, I pray to Thee for the light and comfort of Thy Holy Spirit that I may know Thy Will, and may be made willing and able to do it. Have compassion on my ignorance, my frailty, and my sin: and forgive me my offences. Show Thou me the way that I should walk in for I lift up my soul unto Thee. O God, I desire to do Thy Will, and to serve Thy people. Give me power to overcome evil in myself: give me courage to rebuke evil in others. Preserve me from error in teaching, and from scandals in conduct. Make possible to me the fulfilment of this Ministry, which, in the mystery of Thy Providence, Thou hast willed that I should bear. Bless Thy People and guard them from my faults. I ask all in the Name, and for the sake of Thine only Son, Jesus Christ.
