The Henson Journals

Sun 24 March 1907

Volume 16, Page 194


Palm Sunday, March 24th, 1907.

A most beautiful morning. I was early at the church to feast my eyes on the sun–stricken window.

There were but 34 comts at 8 a.m.: all women, save three young men & the clergy.

There was but a moderate congregation at Mattins, including, however, the Speaker, Mr Shaw, Mr Ainsworth, Sir H. Graham, Sir G. Bartley, & Bailward. Also Dicey sitting beneath the pulpit, and Webb–Peploe in the Parlt seats. I preached on the Agony of our Saviour in the Garden.

At Evensong the Church was filled. I preached an old sermon, being much incommoded by coughing in the process. After the Benediction, a Litany was sung.

Goss–Custard, Albert Saxton, & Gilbert came to supper.