The Henson Journals

Sun 17 March 1907 to Thu 21 March 1907

Volume 16, Pages 192 to 193


Passion Sunday, March 17th, 1907.


I celebrated at 8 a.m. There were only 25 commts. The day became fine & bright as it advanced. There was a fair congregation at Mattins, when I preached an old sermon on 'Sunday observance'. Victor Cavendish & Lady Evelyn stayed to the Communion. There were but 40 cts.

Bailward, Baker–Wilbraham & his wife, Col. Lockhart & his wife came to lunch.

Britannicus, the Rabbit, was reported dead. Ella took him to the Beast's Hospital last night, but they could not save him.

There was a large congregation at Evensong, but a poor offertory. I preached an old sermon.

Harold brought his friend Merton to supper.

I finished & sent off a hostile notice of Campbell's book "The New Theology" to the 'Daily Graphic', which had sent it to me.


On Monday, the 18th of March 1907, the Committee of Convocation resumed its sessions. The Dean of Winchester and the Archdeacon of Exeter stayed with us.

In the evening I entertained at dinner the following:

  1. Dean of Canterbury (Wace)
  2. Dean of Lincoln (Wickham)
  3. Dean of Winchester (Furneaux)
  4. Dean of Peterborough (Barlow)
  5. Archdeacon of Exeter (Sandford)
  6. Archdeacon of Winchester (Fearon)
  7. Chancellor Edmonds.

On Tuesday, the 19th of March 1907, the Committee continued its session from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

In the afternoon I went to Campden Hill and addressed a drawing–room meeting in aid of the Oxford House.

On Thursday the 21st of March, the Confirmation was held in S. Margaret's, the Bishop of Kensington officiating. There were but 29 candidates presented by me: & of these but a dozen were parishioners.