The Henson Journals

Thu 14 March 1907

Volume 16, Page 191


Thursday, March 14th, 1907.

Beeching and I travelled together to Oxford, & voted for Curzon as 'our honoured Lord and Chancellor'. The poll was not a large one, & there was no excitement. Rosebery was well beaten, the figures being

  • Curzon 1110
  • Rosebery 430

Afterwards we dined pleasantly in All Souls: & then returned to town. Inge joined us at the station: he had been voting for Rosebery.

Rashdall is said to have voted for Curzon by mistake.

£39. 17. 0
30. Stamps . 5.
31. Offertory . 1.
Prizes for the . 13.
Abbey Choir
Newspapers . . 6
£40. 16. 6