The Henson Journals

Wed 22 August 1906

Volume 16, Page 107


Wednesday, August 22nd, 1906.

A most persistently wet day. I rashly proposed the ascent of 'Black Andrew', and Miss Lang valourously elected to join me. We ascended the hill, and, cheated by a brief improvement of the weather, resolved to return home by a longer route which would have given us a view of Bowhill, the residence of the Duke of Buccleugh. But we had not gone above a mile or so before we ran into a grouse–driving party, by whose advice we took shelter on the hill–side. Tiring of this damp vigil – for the rain resumed in earnest – we set caution at defiance and returned on our steps to Broadmeadows, where we arrived in a wet and draggled state, having put up a good many grouse and black–cock on the way. Then change, hot bath and a belated lunch.