The Henson Journals

Sun 1 July 1906 to Fri 6 July 1906

Volume 16, Pages 84 to 85


3rd Sunday after Trinity, July 1st, 1906.

A brilliant morning. Trees and turf in the churchyard looking lovely in the sunlight. I celebrated at 8 a.m. when there were 51 communicants.

The sermons in St. Margaret's, both at Mattins and at Evensong, were preached by others, and were designed in the interest of the Sunday Lay movement. Bp. Welldon in the morning, & Mr Sharp in the evening. Both were poor performances, but none the less well listened to.

Col. Meiklejohn in the morning, & Mr J. G. Talbot in the evening attended St. Margaret's , & were surprised & I think chagrined to see also the Rector!!


On Monday, July 2nd 1906, we dined with Mr Runciman in Great College Street. There were present the Shaws, Simon, & Scott Lidgett (a sectary).

Convocation met on Tuesday the 3rd, and Wednesday the 4th of July. There was no business, & we killed time.

On Thursday 5th & Friday 6th, the so–called Representative Church Council met. I spoke both days: in the constitutional debate I was in a majority: but not so over Education. The assembly was most fanatical and cheered enthusiastically the Bishop of Manchester, the Trumpeter of the Agitation to "end" the Bill.

On Wednesday the 4th July Sir Wilfrid Lawson was buried. The funeral service in S. Margaret's was largely attended.

On Thursday, the Bp. of Massachusetts & his wife dined here. Archdeacon Sandford was our guest from Tuesday to Friday.

Issues and controversies: education bill