The Henson Journals

Sun 8 July 1906 to Sat 14 July 1906

Volume 16, Pages 86 to 87


4th Sunday after Trinity, July 8th, 1906.

A very hot and enervating day, two old sermons, indifferent congregations, and a prevailing sense of failure.

Gore was preaching in the Abbey at 7 p.m., and there was some overflow into S. Margaret's. The Offertory exceeded £8.

Mr Anthony Brown came in to supper, also Custard, Sherwood & his sister, and Walters.


On Saturday, July 14th 1906, I delivered a Lecture on St. Margaret's in the Church itself. There was a smaller assembly than I had expected, and the collection at the doors did not amount to £5. On returning to the Rectory I found the Revd John Wallace Suter (Winchester, Boston, U.S.A.) awaiting me with a card of introduction from Bishop Lawrence.

Issues and controversies: St. Margaret's restoration